Collectors main page
There are three ways to collect some information from responses. One can create custom metric calculator,
validator or collector. Metric calculator and validator are simplified versions of collectors.
See comparison below. Order of execution is under link on the top of the page
Create class which implements ResponseValidator<Q,E,R>
Will validate responce from SUT after every successful invocation
Create class which implements MetricCalculator<R>
Will calculate some parameters according to SUT response
Create bean of this class in some configuration file. Put some id for it.
Add metric-custom collector to info-collectors block.
Set id of custom metric class bean to calculator attribute
Attribute id will be used as metric name in reports
Set attribute plotData to true if you want to plot 'metric vs time' plot in report
Create collector class which implements MetricCollector<Q,R,E>
Will proceed data after every invoke and save to Kernel storage
Create collector provider class which implements MetricCollectorProvider<Q,R,E>
Will provide an instance of custom collector to Jagger
Create aggregator class which implements MetricAggregatorProvider
Will proceed data after all tests are over and prepare data for DB
Collector provider class is associating aggregator with collector.
Create bean of provider class in some configuration file. Put some id for it.