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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
| \Njagger
|  oNengine
|  |\Ne1
|  | oNcollector
|  | |oCCompositeValidator
|  | |oCConsistencyValidator< Q, E, R >Compare invocation result with calibration result
|  | |oCMetricAggregatorProvider
|  | |oCMetricCalculator< R >Calculates information based on invocation response
|  | |oCMetricCollector< Q, R, E >Created with IntelliJ IDEA
|  | |oCMetricCollectorProvider< Q, R, E >
|  | |oCNotNullResponseValidator< Q, E, R >Validates that invocation result is not null
|  | |oCResponseValidator< Q, E, R >Validates the result of invocation
|  | |oCSimpleMetricCalculatorCalculates not null responses
|  | |oCSuccessRateAggregatorProviderCalculates accumulative success rate from data collected by SuccessRateCollector<Q,R,E>
|  | |oCSuccessRateCollector< Q, R, E >Collects number of pass and fail invokes
|  | |\CSuccessRateFailsAggregatorProviderCalculates accumulative number of failed invokes from data collected by SuccessRateCollector<Q,R,E>
|  | oNscenario
|  | |oCTerminationStrategyThis class say when Jagger has to terminate workload
|  | |\CUserTerminationStrategyTerminate workload by time or when exact number of samples is reached
|  | \Nsessioncomparation
|  |  oCDecisionMakerMake a decision(OK, WARNING, FATAL, ERROR) by current test
|  |  \CWorstCaseDecisionMakerReturns the worst decision of comparisons
|  oNinvoker
|  |oNhessian
|  ||\CHessianInvoker< S, Q, R >Abstract class for invokers which create request to Hessian services
|  |oNhttp
|  ||oCApacheAbstractHttpInvoker< Q >This class creates http request to the services of SuT
|  ||oCApacheHttpInvokerInvoker that invokes services of SuT via http protocol
|  ||oCHttpInvokerInvoker that invokes services of SuT via http protocol
|  ||oCHttpVisitorInvokerCreates http request via java.net.URL
|  ||\CTcpTrafficInvokerCreates TCP connections
|  |oNsoap
|  ||\CSOAPInvokerCreate a SOAP request to SuT
|  |oNstubs
|  ||\CWaitingInvoker< Q, R, E >Sleeps for specified time
|  |oCInvoker< Q, R, E >Responsible for action invocation on specified endpoint and query
|  |oCLoadBalancer< Q, E >An object which provides pairs of queries and endpoints for Invoker
|  |oCOneByOneLoadBalancer< Q, E >Schedules queries across endpoints one by one
|  |oCPairSupplierFactoryLoadBalancer< Q, E >
|  |oCQueryPoolLoadBalancer< Q, E >LoadBalancer which uses query and endpoint provider
|  |oCRoundRobinLoadBalancer< Q, E >Encapsulates Round-Robin algorithm
|  |oCSimpleCircularLoadBalancer< Q, E >
|  |\CSimpleLoadBalancer< Q, E >Contains only one query and endpoint
|  \Nproviders
|   oNcreators
|   |oCObjectCreator< T >Creates objects from row data
|   |\CStringCreatorTakes row data and returns concatenation of it
|   oCCsvProvider< T >Reads information from CSV files
|   \CFileProvider< T >Reads data from files