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Monitoring metrics settings

Section describes available settings for monitoring metrics

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Jagger provides access to some settings of monitoring metrics. Settings are available via properties.
Default settings you can find here: Default settings for monitoring metrics
Below is fragment of environment.properties file, explaining monitoring metrics setup:

# begin: following section is used for docu generation - Monitoring metrics ids
# # # Setup for monitoring metrics # # #
# Following settings are available for monitoring metrics
# plotData - set true if you want to save metric vs time for plots
# showSummary - set true if you want to save value for summary table
# normalizationBy - possibility to normaliza metric vs time (possible values: NONE, SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR)
# if both plotData and saveSummary are false, monitoring metric will be not saved
# Below is example for single parameter.
# In the same way you can change setup for following monitoring metrics:
# mon_mem_ram, mon_mem_total, mon_mem_used, mon_mem_actual_used, mon_mem_free_prcnt, mon_mem_actual_free,
# mon_mem_free, mon_tcp_est, mon_tcp_listen, mon_sync_received, mon_inbound_total, mon_outbound_total,
# mon_disk_read_bytes, mon_disk_write_bytes, mon_disk_service_time, mon_disk_queue_size_total, mon_cpu_user,
# mon_cpu_sys_prcnt, mon_cpu_idle_prcnt, mon_cpu_wait, mon_cpu_combined, mon_cpula_1, mon_cpula_5,
# mon_cpula_15, mon_gc_minor_time, mon_gc_minor_unit, mon_gc_major_time, mon_gc_major_unit, mon_heap_init,
# mon_heap_used, mon_heap_committed, mon_heap_max, mon_nonheap_init, mon_nonheap_used, mon_nonheap_committed,
# mon_nonheap_max, mon_thread_count, mon_thread_peak_count
# Default setting and short description for all monitoring metrics are available in docu
# end: following section is used for docu generation - Monitoring metrics ids