Main terms
Before discussing load tests development, let's agree on the following terms. These names will be used in the whole documentation
- System under test (SUT) - application (or group of applications) under test
- Endpoint - where we are applying load. In case of http protocol, it can be URI
- Endpoint provider - source of the test data (endpoints)
- Query - what parameters we are sending
- Query provider - source of the test data (queries)
- Distributor - component, responsible to combine endpoints and queries in different order (one by one, round robin, unique combinations, etc)
- Invoker - component, providing requests to SUT during load test. In case of http protocol - http client
- Validator - component that verifies responses from SUT - decides if response is valid or not. In case of http we can verify that return codes are always 200
- Metric - component that measures some parameter of the response (response time, throughput, success rate of requests, custom parameters)
Java test project
We consider that at this point, you have already installed the framework and learned how to execute the test
Now let's look inside the test project and review what is there. Created test project will have following components:
- Load scenario provider(s) - component where load scenarios are defined. Every provider is marked with annotation @Configuration. Every method returning load scenario is marked with annotation @Bean. Provider can contain multiple methods with @Bean annotation
- Test data provider(s) - endpoint and query providers. Sources of the test data
- Util - support component to work with test and environment properties
In short, test development will consist of creating test data sources and writing load scenarios
Load scenario
Load scenario describes the execution sequence of the load tests. While there are multiple scenarios in the test project, only single one can be executed at a time
Let's take a look what components does the load scenario consist of
- Load scenario. It describes the sequence of the parallel test groups execution. This is the entity that can be executed by the framework
- Parallel test group. It describes what load tests will be executed in parallel. Parallel test group can contain one or multiple load tests
- Load test. It describes:
- What load profile will be used
- When the load test should be terminated
see more information in the section below
- Test definition. It describes
- Where and how to read test data
- What protocol to use for communication with the SUT
- How to verify if responses from the SUT are valid
see more information in the section below
Load scenario configuration
- Create load scenario
public class ExampleSimpleJLoadScenarioProvider {
public JLoadScenario exampleSimpleJaggerLoadScenario() {
JTestDefinition jTestDefinition = JTestDefinition.builder(Id.of("td_example"), new ExampleEndpointsProvider()).build();
JLoadProfile jLoadProfileRps = JLoadProfileRps.builder(RequestsPerSecond.of(10)).withMaxLoadThreads(10).withWarmUpTimeInMilliseconds(10000).build();
JTerminationCriteria jTerminationCriteria = JTerminationCriteriaIterations.of(IterationsNumber.of(500), MaxDurationInSeconds.of(30));
JLoadTest jLoadTest = JLoadTest.builder(Id.of("lt_example"), jTestDefinition, jLoadProfileRps, jTerminationCriteria).build();
JParallelTestsGroup jParallelTestsGroup = JParallelTestsGroup.builder(Id.of("ptg_example"), jLoadTest).build();
return JLoadScenario.builder(Id.of("ls_example"), jParallelTestsGroup).build();
Load test
Below is the list of available load profiles and termination criteria:
Test definition
- Test definition components
Test definition components
On the image above you can see relation of the different components of the test definition. Test data, provided
by endpoint and query providers, is combined by the distributor (aka load balancer) to the set of the requests. During the load test
this set of the requests is passed to the invoker. Invoker is providing communication with the SUT and returning responses.
Responses are verified by validators to take pass/fail decision and processed by metrics to collect some measurements.
During the run time every virtual user is working with it's own invoker, thus allowing to generate load.
Test definition for HTTP configuration
- Support of Http
- Out of the box Jagger support http load tests. To make work with http easier, we have prepared set of classes to describe Test definition for HTTP
- DefaultHttpInvoker - Http invoker. Used by default for all test definitions
- JHttpEndpoint - Http endpoint.
- JHttpQuery - Http query.
- JHttpResponse - Http response. Represents response from the SUT
- JHttpResponseStatusValidatorProvider - Provider of the Http status validators
To create your first load test using http, you need to create an endpoint provider, like in the example below.
Query provider is optional
- Examples of the endpoint provider for Test definition configuration
public class ExampleEndpointsProvider implements Iterable {
private List<JHttpEndpoint> endpoints = new ArrayList<>();
public ExampleEndpointsProvider() {
JHttpEndpoint httpEndpoint = new JHttpEndpoint(URI.create(""));
public Iterator<JHttpEndpoint> iterator() {
return endpoints.iterator();
- Examples of the query provider for Test definition configuration
public class ExampleQueriesProvider implements Iterable {
public Iterator iterator() {
List<JHttpQuery> queries = new ArrayList<>();
queries.add(new JHttpQuery()
queries.add(new JHttpQuery()
queries.add(new JHttpQuery()
return queries.iterator();
Test definition for Custom configuration
- Custom component to work with non http protocol
- Based on the http example above, you can create performance test for any other protocol. You will need to:
- decide what objects will describe you endpoints, queries and responses. It can be any serializable object. You can use JHttpEndpoint, JHttpQuery, JHttpResponse as example
- create test data sources - providers of your endpoints and queries. Providers are implementing Iterable like in the examples above.
- create custom invoker. This component implements Invoker<Q,R,E> and can use some library to communicate with you SUT. E.g. jdbc to load database. You can use DefaultHttpInvoker as example
- if necessary, add custom validators and metrics
Jagger archetype contains example of the custom invoker provider and its usage in the
Parametrization via properties
To make your test more flexible and avoid recompilation we are recommending to parametrize your test. You can define parameters like load value or test duration in the file and later change them in the file or via system properties
Jagger archetype contains util class JaggerPropertiesProvider to work with properties. Your load scenario provider should just extend this class like in the example below
Example of the test properties file:
# exampleJaggerLoadScenario properties
example.jagger.test.definition.comment=no comments
Example of the test properties usage in the code:
JTestDefinition jTestDefinition = JTestDefinition
.builder(Id.of("exampleJaggerTestDefinition"), new ExampleEndpointsProvider())
.withQueryProvider(new ExampleQueriesProvider())
.withLoadBalancer(new RoundRobinLoadBalancer())
.addValidator(new ExampleResponseValidatorProvider("we are always good"))
.addListener(new NotNullInvocationListener())
Long iterationsNumber = Long.valueOf(
Long maxDurationInSeconds = Long.valueOf(
JTerminationCriteria jTerminationCriteria = JTerminationCriteriaIterations
.of(IterationsNumber.of(iterationsNumber), MaxDurationInSeconds.of(maxDurationInSeconds));
JLoadProfile jLoadProfileRps = JLoadProfileRps
JLimit successRateLimit = JLimitVsRefValue.builder(JMetricName.PERF_SUCCESS_RATE_OK, RefValue.of(1D))
.withOnlyWarnings(LowWarnThresh.of(0.99), UpWarnThresh.of(1.01))
JLimit throughputLimit = JLimitVsBaseline.builder(JMetricName.PERF_THROUGHPUT)
.withOnlyErrors(LowErrThresh.of(0.99), UpErrThresh.of(1.00001))
JLimit latencyPercentileLimit = JLimitVsRefValue.builder(JMetricName.PERF_LATENCY_PERCENTILE(95D), RefValue.of(0.1D))
.withOnlyWarnings(LowWarnThresh.of(0.50), UpWarnThresh.of(1.5))
JLoadTest jLoadTest = JLoadTest
.builder(Id.of("exampleJaggerLoadTest"), jTestDefinition, jLoadProfileRps, jTerminationCriteria)
.addListener(new CollectThreadsTestListener())
.withLimits(successRateLimit, throughputLimit, latencyPercentileLimit)
JParallelTestsGroup jParallelTestsGroup = JParallelTestsGroup
.builder(Id.of("exampleJaggerParallelTestsGroup"), jLoadTest)
.addListener(new ExampleTestGroupListener())
return JLoadScenario.builder(Id.of("exampleJaggerLoadScenario"), jParallelTestsGroup)
.addListener(new ExampleLoadScenarioListener())
.withLatencyPercentiles(Arrays.asList(10D, 25.5D, 42D, 95D))