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Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
[detail level 1234]
oInstallationHow to setup Jagger locally or on the CI environment
oGetting started
oCreating load test
oHttp scenario load testWe consider that at this point, you have already learned how to create simple load tests
oUser actions during the load test
oCollecting metricsSection provides full information about validation of the SUT responses and metrics collection
|oStandard performance metrics
|oCollecting system and JVM metrics
||oHow to start monitoring agentSection describes how to start monitoring agents to collect system and JVM metrics
|||\Agent configurationSection describes all available properties for Jagger agents
||\Monitoring metrics settingsSection describes available settings for monitoring metrics
|oCustom metrics
|\Metric raw data aggregation
oMaking decisionSection describes approach how to automatically make decision about results of the performance test
oJagger configurationSection provides full information about Jagger configuration
oComponents and execution modesSection describes components of the test framework and different execution configurations
|oFramework execution modesSection describes different execution configurations of the framework
||oLoad generating modesSection describes different load generation configurations of the framework
||\Test execution control modesSection describes different approaches to launch test execution
|oJagger WebUiSection provides full information about Jagger Web client
||oWebUi features overviewSection describes main features of Jagger Web client
||oWebUi installationSection describes installation of Jagger Web client
||oWebUi configurationSection describes jagger Web client properties
||\WebUi user comments and operations with tagsSection describes how to set user commenta and mark sessions with tags from Jagger Web client
|\Jagger as a Service REST APIJaaS - provides REST API for test results managements and CI environments orchestration
| \JaaS installationSection describes installation of the JaaS
oContinuous IntegrationThis chapter describes approach for continuous performance testing with help of the Jagger framework
oTest resultsDescribes how the framework is handling results of performance testing
oReportingBesides access to the test results via Web UI you can generate pdf report for particular test execution
\Auxiliary Jagger componentsThis chapter contains information related to the framework development and testing
 \Functional tests to verify Jagger frameworkThis chapter is dedicated to the functional testing of the Jagger framework